Look… I know Matty J has his own feature day, and that day is tomorrow, but how could I NOT share this masterwork of absolute charm and cuteness? #TongueOutTuesday #MattyJ
Vinnie is ready to attack the week. #MondayMuttness #VinnieNoTail
A cream-colored chihuahua chewing on a human’s hand.
Tank is trying to share her Friday Feelings, but Ozzy keeps getting distracted.
#TankGirl #OzzyPawsbourne #FridayFeelings #Friyay #TGIF. A black dachshund wiggling & bouncing as she tries to get a black ChiBoston to play. The Chiboston keeps getting distracted & wandering off.
Zeb has learned how to exert his effort to maximum effect (and you can tell he’s done it before by the food trail across the couch…) #ThursdayThoughts #Zebulon #100LBSmallDog
A large hound mix lying on an ottoman, licking dog food out of a small bowl on the couch next to him.
Mine! #SillySaturday #VinnieNoTail
A cream-colored chihuahua growling rabidly while playing violent tug-o-war with a blanket.
Mid-week Matty J. pick-me-up! #WednesdayWoofness #HmphDay #MattyJ
A cream-colored chihuahua howling in a squeaky broken tone. He makes a rough half-started bark-howl at the beginning and end.
The Scribe mentioned trimming Bunny’s claws. The Bun is not a fan of that idea. #MondayMuttness #BunnyButtercup.
A cream colored chihuahua shivering violently. Her tongue is peeking out.
7 seconds of Matty J. #WednesdayPickMeUp #HmphDay #MattyJ
A cream-colored chihuahua luxuriating in getting massaged.
When Vinnie decides to do the Tongue Out Tuesday thing, he goes the extra mile. #TongueOutTuesday #VinnieNoTail
Chip maniac ASMR. #SillySaturday #Chompsky
A cinnamon chihuahua sitting in sunny grass crunching happily on corn chips.
Ozzy is here to remind you that a short memory is the key to a happy life…. Or something like that. It works for him, OK? #ThursdayThoughts #OzzyPawsbourne #NotTheSharpestTool #ButVerySweet
501 (c)(3) sanctuary for elderly, terminally ill and unadoptable small dogs. We provide end of life care, and do not adopt out.