Started reading Cynthia Cruz's "How The End Begins: Poems."
A bit chaotic, but in a good way, the way I like my #poetry sometimes.
#books #reading #poems
In Tim Powers' new ghostly horror novel "My Brother's Keeper," author Emily Bronte fights werewolves. Seriously. You can't make this stuff up. Except he did. To find out why, check out this exclusive interview.
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#TimPowers #TimPowersInterview #TimPowersMyBrothersKeeper #TimPowersMyBrothersKeeperInterview #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #Horror #EmilyBronte #Werewolf #Werewolves
In Jon Evans's new hard sci-fi novel "Exadelic," an AI is trying to eliminate the biggest threat it faces ... which happens to be some schmuck in middle management. To find out why, check out this exclusive Q&A.
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#JonEvans #JonEvansInterview #JonEvansExadelic #JonEvansExadelicInterview #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #SciFi #SciFiBooks #ScienceFiction #HardSciFi #HardScienceFiction
Finished reading Chana Bloch's "Blood Honey: Poems."
Solid throughout; as good as the other three I've read.
#books #reading #poems #poetry
In my new interview with author Eliane Boey, she talks about how her psychological science fiction horror novella "Carrier" and the cyberpunk sci-fi mystery novella "Signal \ Tracer" came to be paired in her first book, "Other Minds."
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#ElianeBoey #ElianeBoeyInterview #ElianeBoeyOtherMinds #ElianeBoeyOtherMindsInterview #ElianeBoeyCarrier #ElianeBoeySignalTracer #Books #SciFi #SciFiBooks #ScienceFiction #Cyberounk #Horror #SciFiHorror #Mystery
Though firmly in the same realm of portal fantasy as "Alice In Wonderland," "Oz," and "Narnia," Jane Lindskold's "Over Where" novels have one big difference, as she explains in this exclusive interview about the third installment, "House Of Rough Diamonds."
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#JaneLindskold #JaneLindskoldInterview #JaneLindskoldHouseOfRoughDiamonds #JaneLindskoldHouseOfRoughDiamondsInterview #JaneLindskoldOverWhere #Books #Fantasy #PortalFantasy #FantasyBookSeries
Started reading the #ShortStory anthology "Star Wars: From A Certain Point Of View: Return Of The Jedi."
Oh, to have read this 40 years ago right after seeing the movie for the first time...
#Books #reading #ShortStories #SciFi #ScienceFiction #SpaceFantasy #StarWars #StarWarsReturnOfTheJedi
Good poets take influence from many things. Take Mary Jo Bang, who, in this exclusive interview about her new poetry collection "A Film In Which I Play Everyone," not only cites other poets, but David Bowie, surrealist painter Dorothea Tanning, and "Back To The Future Part III" as well.
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#MaryJoBang #MaryJoBangInterview #MaryJoBangAFilmInWhichIPlayEveryone #MaryJoBangAFilmInWhichIPlayEveryoneInterview #Books #Poems #Poetry
While it sometimes seems that no one reads poetry, the idea of AI writing it has come up a lot in all the conversations about Artificial Intelligence. It's also the impetus to what happens in Sean Michaels' cyberpunk sci-fi (or should that be speculative fiction) novel "Do You Remember Being Born?", which he and I discuss in this exclusive interview.
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#SeanMichaels #SeanMichaelsInterview #SeanMichaelsDoYouRememberBeingBorn #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Cyberpunk
Started reading Matt Wallace's "Savage Bounty: Book Two Of The Savage Rebellion Trilogy."
Only 30 pages in but it's already grabbed me like the first one did.
#books #reading #fantasy
Finished reading Matt Wallace's "Savage Legion: Book One Of The Savage Rebellion Trilogy."
A rather engaging and different #fantasy story, and a good start to this trilogy. Now for book 2.
#books #reading
Started reading Chana Bloch's "Blood Honey: Poems."
Fourth book of hers I've read; seems as solid as the others so far.
#books #reading #poems #poetry
Finished reading the shared world, #HardSciFi #ShortStory anthology "The Ross 248 Project."
Really dug these shared space #SciFi stories, both individually and collectively.
#Books #Reading #ScienceFiction #ShortStories
Read Justin Grimbol's "Come Home, We Love You Still" tonight.
Couldn't tell if this was one long poem or 80+ short ones so I said fuck it and read the whole thing. Which, I think, is what I did with his last book, too. Eh, whatever, good either way.
#books #reading #poems #poetry
Finished reading Olena Kalytiak Davis' "Late Summer Ode: Poems."
Tore my way through this; you can probably imagine why.
#books #reading #poems #poetry
A good jazz trio can be hard to find; a unique one, even harder. Here's my review of Mark Reboul, Roberta Piket, and Billy Mintz's new bass-less album, "Seven pieces / about an hour / saxophone, piano, drums."
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#MarkReboulRobertaPiketBillyMintzSevenPiecesAboutAnHour #MarkReboulSevenPiecesAboutAnHour #RobertaPiketSevenPiecesAboutAnHour #BillyMintzSevenPiecesAboutAnHour #MarkReboul #RobertaPiket #BillyMintz #jazz #SevenPiecesAboutAnHour
The sci-fi space opera action role-playing game "Starfield" is a triumph in almost every way... almost. Here's the link to my review of this GOTY contender.
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#Starfield #StarfieldReview #StarfieldGame #StarfieldGameReview #SciFi #ScienceFiction #SpaceOpera #StarfieldXboxSeriesX #StarfieldXboxSeriesXReview #StarfieldXboxSeriesS #StarfieldXboxSeriesSReview #StarfieldXboxSeriesXS #StarfieldXboxSeriesXSReview #StarfieldPC #StarfieldPCReview
Started reading Matt Wallace's "Savage Legion: Book One Of The Savage Rebellion Trilogy."
Excited to start this #fantasy trilogy; doubly so having read the first 117 pages.
#books #reading
Finished reading Cavan Scott's "Star Wars: The High Republic: Path Of Vengeance" during lunch.
This exciting story paired well with my grilled steak burrito.
#books #reading #SciFi #ScienceFiciton #SpaceFantasy #StarWars #StarWarsTheHighRepublic
In science fiction, subgenres often give birth to other subgenres. Steampunk, for instance, led to dieselpunk. But what is dieselpunk? That question is answered, literally, in this exclusive interview with Danielle Ackley-McPhail and John L. French, editors of the new short story anthology "Grease Monkeys: The Heart And Soul Of Dieselpunk."
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#Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Dielselpunk #Steampunk
Freelance writer for hire: music, movies, books, comics, video games, TV… (he/him)