In my Q&A with #fantasy writer Marshall Ryan Maresca, he explains how his new #UrbanFantasy novel "The Quarrygate Gambit" is the 4th book in one series, the 15th in another...
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#MarshallRyanMaresca #MarshallRyanMarescaInterview #MarshallRyanMarescaTheQuarrygateGambit #MarshallRyanMarescaTheQuarrygateGambit #MarshallRyanMarescaTheStreetsOfMaradaine #MarshallRyanMarescaTheMaradaineSaga #MarshallRyanMarescaMaradaine #EpicFantasy #FantasyBookSeries
If you're digging the story in #GodofWarRagnarok , you might consider checking out the new #Hellboy graphic novel, "The Bones Of Giants," as it mines many of the same Norse myths.
With "The Last Raven," author Steve McHugh is kicking off a series of urban fantasy noir novels called the "Riftborn" saga, which — as he explains in this exclusive interview — will ultimately be a trilogy of trilogies.
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#SteveMcHugh #SteveMcHughInterview #SteveMcHughTheLastRaven #SteveMcHughTheLastRavenInterview #SteveMcHughRiftborn #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #Fantasy #UrbanFantasy #Noir #fantasybookseries
While Lavie Tidhar's new sci-fi novel "Neom" is set in the same universe as his novel "Central Station," in this exclusive Q&A he explains why "Station" is not required reading for enjoying or understanding "Neom"
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#LavieTidhar #LavieTidharInterview #LavieTidharNeom #LavieTidharNeomInterview #LavieTidharCentralStation #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #SciFi #SciFiBooks #ScienceFiction
ICYMI: Here's my review of #GodofWarRagnarok , which is the best "______ Of War" game you'll play this year.
#gaming #games #VideoGames #GodOfWar
With "The Stars Undying" author Emery Robin isn't just kicking off a sci-fi space opera duology; Emery is also doing a sci-fi retelling of one of the greatest stories ever told.
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#EmeryRobin #EmeryRobinInterview #EmeryRobinTheStarsUndying #EmeryRobinTheStarsUndyingInterview #EmeryRobinEmpireWithoutEnd #EmeryRobinTheSeaUnbounded #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #SciFi #SciFiBooks #ScienceFiction #SpaceOpera #Cleopatra #JuliusCaesar
With "Nightwatch Over Windscar" writer K. Eason isn't just ending The Weep duology, she's also ending the saga she started with "The Thorne Chronicles." In this Q&A, Eason not only discusses what inspired and influenced "Windscar," but also why it's the end of the story.
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#KEason #KEasonInterview #KEasonNightwatchOverWindscar #KEasonNightwatchOverWindscarInterview #KEasonNightwatchOnTheHinterlands #SciFi #SciFiBooks #ScienceFiction #SpaceFantasy
With "Trinity's Children," writer Dave Bara is concluding his cyberpunk-y military sci-fi duology. To learn more about this book and science fiction series, check out this exclusive Q&A.
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#DaveBara #DaveBaraInterview #DaveBaraTrinitysChildren #DaveBaraTrinitysChildren #DaveBaraTrinity #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #SciFi #SciFiBooks #sciencefiction #Cyberpunk #MilitarySciFi #militarysciencefiction Baen Books
Freelance writer for hire: music, movies, books, comics, video games, TV… (he/him)