While some believe the fusion of man and machine — The Singularity — will be good, and others bad, in my new interview with author Dean Koontz about his novel "After Death," he explains why it takes a neutral position on the matter.
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#DeanKoontz #DeanKoontzInterview #DeanKoontzAfterDeath #DeanKoontzAfterDeathInterview #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #TheSingularity
Finished reading Ellen Bass' "I'm Not Your Laughing Daughter: Poems."
With "Jackal, Jackal," author Tobi Ogundiran is collecting all of his published short stories into one handy take home container. In this exclusive interview, he discusses what went into this collection.
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#TobiOgundiran #TobiOgundiranInterview #TobiOgundiranJackalJackal #TobiOgundiranJackalJackalInterview #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #Fantasy #DarkFantasy #SecondaryWorldFantasy #HighFantasy #ShortStory #ShortStories
Started reading Thomas Mullen's "Blind Spots."
Hmmm...a rather interesting mix of #Noir #Thriller, #Cyberpunk #SciFi, and sensory deprivation on a global scale.
#Books #Reading #SciFiBooks #ScienceFiction #Mystery
Finished reading C.J. Leede's "Maeve Fly."
A companion to "American Psycho" the way "L.A. Story" is to Woody Allen's "Manhattan," and every bit as compelling, insightful, and entertaining as all of them. Bloody good stuff.
#books #reading #Horror
Started reading C.J. Leede's "Maeve Fly."
Like if Chuck Palahniuk wrote an L.A. take on "American Psycho," but with an 20-something, Disney-obsessed Wednesday wannbe in mind...and I (as the kids like to say) am here for it.
#books #reading #Horror
Finished reading Thomas D. Lee's "Perilous Times."
📖👑⚔️ 🐲
Cannot say enough good things about this #dystopian #fantasy #KnightsOfTheRoundTable story: exciting, clever, and just damn entertaining. Bravisimo.
#books #reading
Fifty-six years after it happened, Vietnam vet Raúl Herrera is telling the story of how he, a Mexican-American from Texas, ended up on a Swift Boat during a heroic mission in his new memoir "Capturing Skunk Alpha." To learn more, check out this Q&A.
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#RaulHerrera #RaulHerreraInterview #RaulHerreraCapturingSkunkAlpha #RaulHerreraCapturingSkunkAlphaInterview #Books #memoir #autobiography
Started reading Ellen Bass' "I'm Not Your Laughing Daughter: Poems."
Looking for something light and fun, even giddy. THEN LOOK AWAY! LOOK AWAY! Because this is the link to my new interview with Brandon Applegate, the editor of the horror and more short story anthology "The First Five Minutes Of The Apocalypse."
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#BrandonApplegate #BrandonApplegateInterview #BrandonApplegateTheFirstFiveMinutesOfTheApocalypse #Books #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #Horror #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #Weird #ShortStory #ShortStories
Started reading Curtis Sittenfeld's #ShortStory collection "You Think It, I’ll Say It."
Yet another cool writer of #ShortStories I learned of from "The New Yorker."
#books #reading
Finished reading Rachel McKibbens' "Pink Elephant: Poems."
Yet another #poetry collection where I feel guilty for loving the poems in which they get raw and brutal about something terrible they went through.
#books #reading #poems
So, writers Julie Vee and Ken Bebelle have just released their new novel, an urban fantasy tale called "Ebony Gate." So why did I make a "Godfather, Part III" reference in this exclusive interview? You'll just have to read it to see...
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#JuliaVee #JuliaVeeInterview #JuliaVeeEbonyGate #JuliaVeeEbonyGateInterview #JuliaVeeKenBebelleEbonyGate #KenBebelle #KenBebelleInterview #KenBebelleEbonyGate #KenBebelleEbonyGateInterview #Books #Fantasy #UrbanFantasy
While it sometimes seems like every fantasy novel is set in modern or medieval times, and in Europe-like places, Stephen Aryan's new historical fantasy novel "The Judas Blossom" instead takes us to 13th century Persia. To find out how, and why, check out this exclusive Q&A.
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#StephenAryan #StephenAryanInterview #StephenAryanTheJudasBlossom #StephenAryanTheJudasBlossomInterview #StephenAryanTheNightingaleAndTheFalcon #Books #Fantasy
Like a lot of people, writer Kemi Ashing-Giwa picked up a new habit during the pandemic: drinking tea. But unlike people who took up knitting or exercise, Ashing-Giwa translated her newfound love into a novel, a #SciFi #SpaceOpera story called "The Splinter In The Sky" that, in this exclusive interview, she calls a, "spy thriller in space."
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#KemiAshingGiwa #KemiAshingGiwaInterview #KemiAshingGiwaTheSplinterInTheSky #Books # #ScienceFiction #Thriller
It's almost time for lunch; do you wanna get a sandwich? Maybe a nice pastrami on rye? While we nosh, we can talk about my new interview with writer / artist Ben Nadler about his graphic novel "The Jewish Deli: An Illustrated Guide To The Chosen Food."
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#BenNadler #BenNadlerInterview #BenNadlerTheJewishDeli #BenNadlerTheJewishDeliInterview #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #ComicBook #ComicBooks #GraphicNovel #GraphicNovels #PastramiOnRye
Started reading Thomas D. Lee's "Perilous Times."
Me thinks this entertaining and energetic tale of the #KnightsOfTheRoundTable returning to save a fucked up future Britain might be a #dystopian #fantasy story...
#books #reading
Finished reading Sylvain Neuvel's "For The First Time, Again: Take Them To The Stars, Book 3."
An excellent and exciting end to this epic, engaging, and entertaining #AltHistory #SciFi saga. So good.
#books #reading #ScienceFiction
Started reading Rachel McKibbens' "Pink Elephant: Poems."
So far, this is as raw and unflinching as the other two books of hers I've read.
#books #reading #poems #poetry
I hate it when someone wastes an interesting premise by doing things that show they have no faith in their audience. I just tried to watch the movie #65, but quickly got bored because, instead of keeping something secret and revealing it naturally over the course of the story, they explained it at the beginning.
Freelance writer for hire: music, movies, books, comics, video games, TV… (he/him)