Im going to try do a write up from me. I'm a British Gen X female who is too old to actively protest about things, but too young to keep my mouth shut. My interests which I hope to slowly bring here are true crime, especially unsolved/missing people, psychology, psychiatry, and social issues, especially CSE. These are all loosely linked to my career but are also personal interests, I admit I am a bit of an armchair detective on cold cases (hobby)
Can you smell this strongly scented purple lilac? NH state flower.
Whenever I get a song stuck in my head (earworm), I can replace it with a song I learned from Miss Bourne in 4H. “I want to wake up in the morning where the purple lilacs grow, where the sun comes a-peeping into where I’m a-sleeping and the songbirds say hello…I want to wander through the wildwood where the fragrant breezes blow… I want to wake up in NH where the purple lilacs grow.”
Hai! Soft, cuddly friendly soul. An iron fist in a velvet glove