If you own any books by Diana paxson, I would suggest taking a very deep dive on what's been going on with Grayhaven. She has been officially removed and defrocked by The Troth as of tonight. What's more is that she was complicit in the abuse of multiple children and teens on her premises and did nothing to stop it from happening under her roof. She was recently physically attacked by a CSA survivor. #CoSoPagans https://thetroth.org/official-announcements/diana-paxson-removed-from-the-troth/
@PaganMother Whoa! Always thought she was squirrelly, but, wow....
@HealingHobbit Yeah, the heathen community that I'm part of is happy to see her rejected and removed from position of power, but we're worried about how this will ripple affect our communities.
@PaganMother I will definitely look deeper into this.
@HealingHobbit One of the victims had stepped forward with a good bit of information about the whole situation behind Paxson and what she did. It was because that person had the bravery to come forward and speak about it to the public that the trough decided to take action. They were for the last ten years silencing any testimony that suggested she was a problem in the community.
@HealingHobbit I have a series of links that I'm going to provide that actually help flush out what's exactly going on that they're not saying in there articles and newsletters. 1. https://www.reddit.com/r/NorsePaganism/comments/1co2qbj/another_abuse_allegation_re_paxson/
2. https://www.reddit.com/r/heathenry/comments/1cof6vd/troth_abusemisconduct_lokis_wyrdlings_official/
@HealingHobbit And the document of evidence. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pi4_NSXu-O5OvBnP_SHVq7Ki3Cofub5iOHnmw3R7hrQ/mobilebasic /noscrub
@HealingHobbit I've been keeping a close eye on this case myself because I was a victim of CSA. If I can help stop a circle of abuse and harm to other youths I'm going to do what I can to make sure I can stop it.
@HealingHobbit *hugs* I'm in good hands, It's taking a long time to heal the wounds that came from it, but I'm proud of the progress I've made.
@PaganMother And I'm sorry that was inflicted upon you. *hugs*