If I can get a #CoSoLove train going, my chosen daughter, @Shwee on twitter can use some serious love right about now. She got hit with a hateful antiabortionist pagan in her threads and she didn't deserve the hate she received. She's been having a hard time with the news from Scotus and fighting back the only way she can. #CoSoPagans This isn't a request to love bomb her, this is a genuine request to reach out to her and show her that she is valid and heard. Her twtr: https://twitter.com/Iamshwee
@mikeflstfi @pendrag Agreed, I sent her the tutorial, seems she got an account but is trying to get past that hurdle of settling in.
@PaganMother @mikeflstfi
If she has questions, she need to only post a question, or browse the #CoSoTips for other tricks and help.
@PaganMother She would be welcome; as well as her friends.
Twitter is ass. Smelly, smelly ass. Better off over here. She'd be welcome.