Virtual Screening & Discussion of the documentary "For Our Daughters" with Dr. Kristin Du Mez & Americans United's Rachel Laser.
Ah, ok, guess great minds think alike, @MookyTroubadour
I'm unaware of what Madison quote you're referring to, @MookyTroubadour, it's an original quote of mine.
@Bliss LmFaO!!!
Notice "Christian" is in quotation marks, @HereticTheoretician
The following post is a wee little glimpse into the Mind of Me...
Someone told me I was crazy.
I told him "No, I'm not crazy, I'm insane."
They then said, "Ok, you're insane."
I then said, "No, I'm not insane, I'm psycho."
They replied "Ok, you're psycho. "
To which I answered, "No, I'm not psycho, I'm all three."
Nullifidian Humanist
Egalitarian EcoSocialist
Atheist Day ATX 2019 Co-Organizer
Self-Taught Graphic Design Hobbyist