FU Netflix - this is utter crap. All such "mediums" etc. are absolute con artists. There is no afterlife, no spirits, no deities etc - total figments of the human brain/psyche largely based on grief and fear of death.
Netflix doesn't produce shows to "distract" anyone from anything, they produce shows they think people will watch, and there's no shortage of people willing to be told that death is just make-believe.
I'd have a hard time deciding whether this is better or worse than "Real Housewives" of wherever, myself.
@mcfate it's on the same level - it's all panem et circenses
Not everything is a conspiracy. "The Dick van Dyke Show" and "My Mother the Car" were "bread and circuses".
@mcfate I never said everything was a conspiracy - or even implied it. Like minded people tend to do similar things and it is to the personal benefit of the very wealthy who have power/influence to keep those without such distracted.
If you say so. I don't think they're nearly clever enough to be doing that kind of planning.
There's literally reams of shit on Netflix, and there's not a ton of thinking going on behind it, other than someone with signing authority liked it enough to spend what, for them, can only be a minuscule amount of money on it.
I have no clue who the "like-minded people" in this scenario are, but if they think a ghost show will "distract" people, best of luck to 'em.
I'm just generally averse to seeing hidden motives behind commonplace things, when there's no evidence, and imagining such motives isn't anything one can act upon or which would make any actual difference to anything.
@mcfate depends on who promoted the idea to them in the first place. But I was referring to the phenomenon across all media. It's a variation on panem et circenses, so useful for those who want control,. and major media ownership appears to be largely owned or controlled by right wing conservatives.
@NorthernInvader bread and circuses. Oh, and a side order of propaganda.
The ghost of Harry Houdini just came to me and said this is all a big scam, and it always has been.
@NorthernInvader I'm glad there is something else I will never have to watch! I'm too busy as it is. The more shows about crazy made up stuff the better.
@NorthernInvader I am not arrogant enough to think I know the truth and I've had as many decades as you to think about it. I used to think like you: the death of the body is the end, but there was a crack in my belief, and that crack was made by stories of reincarnation i.e. children who remembered families and events that occurred (and were verified) in previous lives. These cases still occur all over the world. Can you explain it? I can't. Lots of material online. e.g. https://www.vice.com/en/article/hard-science-of-reincarnation-past-lives/
There is a never increasing number of TV shows that on cable that push this type of crap. Keeps people distracted from real problems like wannabe fascists trying to gain control of their countries, climate change, industrial pollution killing them, etc.