Short thread from a statement from the US ambassador to Ukraine. This was approved way above her pa grade.
"Russia could end the war today by withdrawing its troops not only from Kherson, but also from the rest of Ukraine," she wrote on Insta | ObozSport |Send photo/video
@Nadinbrzezinski I get very irritated by media pundits and analysts that treat the decisions made by humans for terrible reasons as some kind of inevitability. No, people can choose, Putin can choose NOT to do what he has done, and stop doing it. "Ukraine provoked Russia..." they say: NO PUTIN DID THIS FOR HIS IMPERIALISTIC FANTASIES, NOTHING ELSE.
Russia could end the war today: Ms. US Ambassador Brink on the liberation of Kherson US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink commented on the liberation of Kherson from the Russian occupiers by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.