@Kitty62862 @ucantstop_me @evistre @Bemet_Or @Museek @Dobo
The problem as I understand it is that the CDC recommends the shingles vaccine for those 60 and over. So if you get it a year or two before that, it is not considered a recommended vaccine and thus isn’t covered.
Me too. #PostcardsToVoters
A couple years ago I stopped by our county health department for my flu shot. I asked about a shingles shot. I was told that although I could get shingles at my age, it isn’t recommended until you are 60. If I got the vaccine before age 60 I would pay full price, but if I waited until 60 it would be covered by my insurance. So I decided to wait until after my 60th birthday.
@Kitty62862 @ucantstop_me @Bemet_Or @evistre @Museek @Dobo
In addition to finding it in stock, check on cost for your shingles vaccination. Most employer plans will cover it for age 60 and over. But if you’re on Medicare, you may have to pay $200+ for it, depending on your plan coverage.
I was always skeptical of chiros. When I was a teen one in town advertised he could cure syphilis, amongst other things. Dad pointed out the ads and laughed.
Then my ex’s neck got messed up by one.
But when I started doing PI work I became super cynical about the profession. One chiro tried to get me into an illegal referral deal!
But some can help with minor musculoskeletal injuries.
@Heucuva8 @evistre @Fiikus_goddess @ucantstop_me @Bemet_Or @Kitty62862 @DachshundSaidSo
I made it through, but it was not a good year for me. Sounds like yours was worse. Glad we survived.
I am a rural lawyer. On occasion I go up against big city lawyers. Under those circumstances I sometimes tune up the redneck. I speak fluent redneck, although I also speak fluent standard English without a hint of accent. It really rubs them the wrong way when they lose to a redneck rural rube. 🙀
I am sure some people are helped. And I am sure that not all will have a patient in once per week for 18 months, telling them the defendant’s insurance company will pay. But many will. I have had clients who lost their entire settlement to chiros.
@Heucuva8 @Bemet_Or @Minholkin @evistre @ucantstop_me @Museek @Kitty62862 @Fiikus_goddess
No, I don’t think it works like that. Shingles is not contagious as shingles. But if you never had chickenpox, apparently you can contract CP from S patient.
Having had chickenpox means you may get shingles eventually. The virus lies dormant in your body for years, then attacks with shingles.
OMG yes. Freshman year of college was horrible. Mono. Then had to get my wisdom teeth extracted - jaw bone surgery in hospital. THEN chickenpox.
My ex went to a chiro once, due to a stiff neck. The chiropractor cracked his neck. It made things MUCH WORSE - numbness and such. Told my ex to go to a real doctor and get checked out.
Personally, I have never gone to one. Many of my clients have gone to them.
Chiros like to milk plaintiffs in accidents, hoping to take the whole settlement.
@Heucuva8 @Bemet_Or @Minholkin @evistre @ucantstop_me @Museek @Kitty62862 @Fiikus_goddess
Agreed. But chiropractors are not MDs. They certainly don’t have MD specializations such as psychiatry. Yet they seem to want to claim to treat everyone for everything. One in our area “treats” PTSD, amongst other things, including “silent killer” diseases, iirc what he said. 😹
@Kitty62862 @Bemet_Or @ucantstop_me @Fiikus_goddess @evistre @Heucuva8 @DachshundSaidSo
As an example.
$25k policy limit. Plaintiff is paraplegic following accident that broke her neck. Defendant has assets.
But absent a scenario like that, the plaintiff will likely settle for policy limits.
Most likely your insurance company has refused to settle for the policy limit. If so, filing suit does 2 things:
1) protects the plaintiff from a statute of limitations bar on filing a suit (waiting too long is deadly to a claim); and
2) puts pressure on the insurance company to offer the policy limits.
Only where people have the bare minimum insurance to be legal to drive would anyone consider filing suit for more than the policy limits where there were grave injuries.
I gave birth in 1983. There was a scare about childhood vaccines and brain injury. It was just that. A scare. There was no real science behind it.
I was pregnant. At a party I talked to other young moms. They were all worried about vaccines. Most had medical backgrounds, so I was surprised.
I was and am pro-science, and I defended vaccines against pseudoscience at that party and since. My son got every available vaccine on schedule, including the controversial ones. He’s a healthy man today.
People call the police for non-crimes all the time. Why???
They call them because a mentally ill man won’t leave his room - mentally ill man died.
Police are for CRIMES. They are not for other life issues. Call them for crimes. Period.
One of the grandkids is at the baby shark age. So I simply *had to* check out the metal version. LOL! Shared it with DD
New York federal prosecutors seek interviews with Trump Organization executives
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🌒🌕🌘 Witch, Reiki
CoSo #19,974 🙃