Hey Doc
Not good not good & not good
Pleural effusion = 250 mls from thoracocentesis fluid analysis pending
probable abdominal mass = cytology pending
BG = 461
@Vikky @flygande_ren :-(
Oh wow... sounds pretty serious
:-(( hang in there, mom. Thinking of you. Sorry you are going though this. 💜
So sorry for your loss. Losing our beloved fur family members is heartbreaking. Take time to grieve. 💜
And yes, I love the idea of the 🌈 bridge, that they are all awaiting us on the other side.
@Myrth @flygande_ren @Museek @Vikky
Oh, Vikky - I’m so sorry your lost your friend. During this tough time, know we’re thinking of you. 💛
Thanks Eva-M
That surely helps
Thank you and I surely will
Thinking of the bridge does make it a bit easier
@flygande_ren @Museek