Verified? Just that you paid for a Pro account.
Supporting CoSo is a great way to keep the lights on around here.
A #CoSoTips Filters Comic
If you prefer not see certain topics, whether it be in the firehose or conversations you can add the bothersome hashtag & other relevant terms to your filters until they go away.
Don't worry.
CoSo will be back online soon.
Sometimes you may see this message and wonder what's going on. It's usually just J working on things. Nothing to fear.
CounterSocial doesn't track its users, but even better than that - we don't let 3rd parties track you either. All outbound links are automagically sanitized to remove any embedded tracking parameters.
Enabling Two-Factor authentication is a great way to make sure your account stays extra safe!
Rome wasn't built in a day.
Neither was Twitter.
Counter.Social appreciates your patience during the hiccups!
Here at CoSo we run a foreign intelligence operation.
It's called that because our Intelligence is foreign to them.
That Pesky Squirrel on the firehose driving you nuts?
There's mute and you wont see them.
There's also block. They won't see you and you won't see them.
Orbital Beam Control Tower