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Dear New People,
Welcome 🦋 please share this 🌻
You’ve stepped into a place that is not Twitter. We’re a Community that has spent years getting to know each other.
Our culture is one of respect, kindness & care.
We disagree, have great, sometimes heated discussion & hold those values.
There is ZERO tolerance for hate speech, racism, Anti-Semitism or bigotry against our friends. You will be escorted out.
We also don’t appreciate BS rumors regarding @th3j35t3r

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Naomi Judd, the Kentucky-born singer of the Grammy-winning duo The Judds and mother of Wynonna and Ashley Judd, has died. She was 76.

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Any people on here have any suggestions for helping my autistic 11yo have his vaccination shot. Tried today & it resulted in meltdown & no vaccination. He’s afraid of the pain.

@Amcchisholm my 32yo son is on the spectrum. I’ve had to get a shot in from of him to show him it doesn’t hurt. You might want to ask the dr. to spray a numbing solution on the skin beforehand and have your son touch it so he knows it’s numb and the shot won’t hurt.

I’m deaf and don’t wear my hearing aids unless I need to. My 3 cats know I’m deaf.

Since they know I’m deaf, I use hand motions like “come here” (open and close fingers while palm is up) for them to come up on the bed or “No” (palm up, like ✋🏻). But they’ve also learned to sit in front of me until I get up to let them out or feed them or whatever.

Cats. Gotta love ‘em 🐈

@AcousticLoner I love Picard but I’m not paying for Paramount+

@Kellyann Start finding people that have the same interests as you and follow them. And yeah, maybe fill out a little bio info so people know what you’re about 💙❤️

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To my Maniacs that I've had great relationships on twitter with and may or may not know, My surgery went well thursday, I was finally able to eat chicken broth today and not throw up. Woot Woot! Jello tomorrow! Hopefully home in a few days! Then the fight begins! Thank you to everyone who loves me and has shown support, Especially, my friend @duglop and My Jen, dont know if she is on here yet. Anyway, Happy Saturday and Enjoy! Chicken broth and analgesics are kicking in, sleep time! ❤️

@KimberlyROSE50 I’m so glad you’re here and ok! We followed each other on that other website.

I have outpatient surgery Monday 😖

Hope you feel much better very soon 💙

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I've posted more at CoSo in the past few days than I have in a decade on Twitter. Why? Because to post on Twitter feels like you're inviting hostile people to insult, attack, maybe even dox or threaten you; at best, your words would drop into the æther and vanish without a trace.

Here, at least, you feel that people are really listening.

@kel @cwithav There should be an “other” choice, since I live in Florida

@kenc313 I read your profile and I totally agree, which is why I followed you! Detta was a gunslinger and would’ve made the movie… but I do love Idris.

I’m a huge Stephen King fan for almost 50 years now and Dark Tower is my fave series.

@th3j35t3r please lmk the link to go Pro once it’s up 💙

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.