Mitch McConnell is gaslighting Americans about the Supreme Court, shamelessly saying the Court gave Americans a "historic series of victories" and that this is "the kind of judiciary that a diverse society needs." We need to call him out loudly and often.
@MeidasTouch Jim Crow Cracker McConnell a.k.a. Moscow Mitch is the rasPUTIN of the Senate.
@ReneeVoiceBrand @MeidasTouch They should be made to listen to this on repeat forever.
@MeidasTouch He and most of his colleagues are TOO OLD. My mom said something horrendous to me a month ago, doesn't even remember and it awful what she said. She's only a bit older than Mitch, these people need to relinquish their power and more along.
@MeidasTouch ["MITCH"] Why do you all hate me so much?