If you DNF(did not finish) a book do you still review it? Do you list it as an unfinished book and your reasons for not finishing it? Do you just forget about it? Or do you have a duty to warn others that you for whatever reason wanted to read it, but couldn't due to reasons? #Goodreads #LibraryThing #BookReviews #DNF
@McMarkerson I don't dis books. I dont share the same tastes as others. What I dislike about a book maybe someone else's joy. Besides, you can never know the sweat and tears that an author puts into their art. If I have nothing good to say, I dont say anything
@Furyious I haven't reviewed books that I haven't finished before. I was just curious about others' takes. I usually employ a Page 100 test, if the book hasn't really caught me by that point, I put it aside. If I finish the book and didn't like it, they get an honest review.