Robert Gebelhoff on where we are...

And this after 3.75 years and he still doesn't get that President is for all America, not just the places he likes...

President Trump has discovered a brand-new way to improve health metrics in the United States: Just ignore the parts you don’t like!

As he put it when discussing covid-19 deaths at a news briefing Wednesday: "If you take the blue states out, we’re at a level that I don’t think anybody in the world would be at.

We’re really at a very low level. But some of the states, they were blue states and blue-state-managed.”

We could apply such logic to lots of diseases. But, in fact, the covid-19 trend goes in the opposite direction from most of them. So if we want to brag about U.S. public health across the board, what we actually want to do is ignore red states.


Really, we should thank Trump for awakening us to this brand-new scientific methodology. With this technique, he has found a way to show just how much the well-being of this country is being dragged down by disparities. Do we really need to care about those poor-performing states, anyway?

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