Thomas L. Friedman in NYT on 2 Conditions for a Trump-Biden debate...Trump must show his tax returns and a fact-checking team must be used before end of debate to tell who was promoting truth and who was promoting lies...

Of course, Trump will stomp and protest and say, “No way.” Fine. Let Trump cancel. Let Trump look American voters in the eye and say: “There will be no debate, because I should be able to continue hiding my tax returns from you all, ...

even though I promised that I wouldn’t and even though Biden has shown you his. And there will be no debate, because I should be able to make any statement I want without any independent fact-checking.”

Only if leading into the debate, American voters have a clear picture of Trump’s tax returns alongside Biden’s, and only if, coming out of the debate, they have a clear picture of who was telling the truth and who was not, will they be able to make a fair judgment between the two candidates.


That kind of debate and only that kind of debate would be worthy of voters’ consideration and Biden’s participation.

Otherwise, Joe, stay in your basement.

@Madken65 James Carville argued that this is wrong and that Biden trounces Trump in any debate and should be willing to meet Trump anytime and anywhere.

@Kalos Trump turns everything into the theater of the absurd, there is little upside, IMO, to giving him an audience...

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