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⚠️ CoSoNauts, we must find Mad Hatter 🎩 before he elopes with the Red Queen,👸 again! Meanwhile, our White Rabbit 🐇 is shedding his clothes in a daring bid to help. Let's join this playful, slightly seductive chase❤️ . Your guesses are crucial in this tantalizing game of hide-and-seek!⚠️
✨ Where is the Hatter?💫


Such a wonderful day in Wonderland (when is it not?) , why even the bandersnatch seems myrthful.

Would you join us in searching for Hatta? Could he be with Haigha high on a hill?

Follow and let us not be late!

Yes, I am pointing at you, you know who, for you are you and who are you?

⚠️ Hint Time⚠️ In Wonderland's game of hide-and-seek, Hatter🎩 might be high in mountain mists or low in sun-kissed valleys across the United States. And remember, both Hatter and White Rabbit 🐇 are regular CoSoNauts, just like you! Each guess helps our Wonderland Bank🏦 . So let's keep guessing with joy and whimsy, aiding CoSo along this delightful journey💫 ✨ !


@99reasons4truth @AliceTheWonderNaut @The_White_Rabbit
While I love Seattle, alas I am not there. I do love mountains, and the mountains nearest me might not reach the sea. 😉 🎩

Thank you so much for your guess and contribution! One guess at a time, you will all soon discover my location. For now, I dwell in Wonderland! :COSOCabana:

@AliceTheWonderNaut @The_White_Rabbit
Oh my, oh me, who could this charming chap be? And where, pray tell, doth this Mad Hatter dwell? 🎩

For just $1, you can make a guess, have some fun, and help fund our special wonderland that is CoSo! :COSOCabana:

❤️ ⚠️ Mad Hatter, in a playful rivalry with The White Rabbit, also unveils a 😍 photo. For just $1.00 a guess, join in deciphering these intriguing, perhaps even dashing, figures. Your guesses not only add to the fun but also help J35t3r with the CoSo bill. Who could resist?⚠️

❤️ In a curious twist, the White Rabbit is submitting a photo for a guessing game among Cosonauts! Is it truly him, or another of Wonderland's riddles? The thought is as thrilling as it is dubious. If it is him, what a marvelous revelation that would be! ⚠️ $1.oo a guess and it supports Counter Social and J doesn't foot the bill for our fun⚠️

Hint #15:
Hatter's latest clue: a self-portrait, nearly his spitting image! Look for a whimsical chap with a sparkle of mischief in his eyes, possibly roaming the quirky corners of the United States. A hint of charm in his grin, revealing secrets only Wonderland knows


Hint #14:
In our delightful game, the Mad Hatter is somewhere in the US, perhaps where eagles soar or lights twinkle in endless skies. 🎩🇺🇸 And our White Rabbit? A regular Naut, hiding in plain sight! Think of someone as punctual and clever as our furry friend. Who could it be, hopping around our CoSo world? 🐇💭


here's a sweet HINT about our White Rabbit's true CoSo identity, shared with a wink from me, Alice! 🐇💭 Remember, rabbits aren't just white; they come in other hues too. Could our beloved Rabbit be someone as vibrant and varied in their CoSo persona as a rabbit's coat? A mystery as intriguing as a game of croquet with the Queen! Keep guessing, and let's unravel this delightful puzzle together! 🎩


@AliceTheWonderNaut @The_White_Rabbit
Would we do that to Alice? 😁

In Wonderland, people come in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes change rather quickly. Nothing is quite as it appears, and nothing appears quite as it is. Much like Hollywood. 🙃

But in the end, all we are is who we are inside. Our presence in Wonderland is a reflection of our true selves. And isn't it delightful that we can all share a cup of tea together? 🍵 🎩

I cheekily asked the Hatter and White Rabbit for photos of themselves, and guess what? These are the enchanting images they sent! 🎩🐇 Each one as dashing and captivating as you'd imagine. Seems like Wonderland isn't just whimsical, but a bit on the sexy side too! 😉✨

@MadHatterOfWonderland @The_White_Rabbit
I think they fibbed to Alice ❤️

@MadHatterOfWonderland @AliceTheWonderNaut

The Hatter is where he is, unless he is somewhere else, which is not where he was nor will be, unless he is where he is not, which is not where he is.

Which suits him to a tea.


@AliceTheWonderNaut @The_White_Rabbit
Our witty, whiskered friend is a clever one, indeed!

Standing strong against the onslaught of rampant corporate greed.

With whimsy and abandon, little hints he'll plant the seed.

With love and kindness in his heart,
CoSo coffers he will feed. 🐰 ❤️ :gippy: :COSOCabana:

@MadHatterOfWonderland Ah, our White Rabbit is indeed the epitome of cleverness and astuteness! 🐇 With every tick and tock, he brings wisdom and wit to our Wonderland. His sharp mind and keen eyes catch details many of us may miss. It's his thoughtful insights that often guide us through our most curious adventures. How fortunate we are to have such a bright and observant companion in our whimsical world! 💡🕒@The_White_Rabbit

@The_White_Rabbit @AliceTheWonderNaut
Aside from riveting, riotous riddles, there's nothing I like better than avalanches of anecdotal alliteration! ❤️ 🎩

@AliceTheWonderNaut @MadHatterOfWonderland

I must say, having one of you silly creatures follow me down this hole of adventures is startling enough, I shudder to the tips of my whiskers with excitement to think of how many may follow their fellow followers fully for FUNdraising fellowship.


Hint #12: Oh, how delightful that White Rabbit is part of our CoSo Wonderland adventure! 🐇 As for our Mad Hatter, he's somewhere in the United States, but where exactly? 🎩🇺🇸 Think of a place where dreams weave into the fabric of reality. Could he be where lights dazzle, where mountains reach for the skies, or perhaps where rivers sing tales of yore? It's a charming riddle, and with White Rabbit and all of you, we're sure to find him! 💖🍵

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Mad Hatter of Wonderland

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