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The only way to fight fascism, politically, right now is to admit neoliberalism and third wayism has failed. It has created more fascism and more poverty. Try some genuine left wing policies like universal living incomes and mandatory job security instead. Remove the fear of poverty, remove the fuel of .

Some of my Aunts, Uncles and Cousins doing 4th of July at Devils Den State Park

I couldn't attend this year because (points at cervical collar) 😁 1/2

Let's talk about a challenging new issue for Biden....

Note for the uninitiated... When his patch is upside down it's satire.

Coming up on a week of

Stay tuned to local social media for all the drama and keep your doggos safe and in door.

@northernbassist I'm gonna need you to play bass about 30 more minutes a day to take up my slack.

We can't let the worldwide bass signal to weaken.

This is your mission if you choose to accept it. 😁

Woke up to his head on my leg and his arm holding mine. He's such a sweet cuddle bug.

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