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I'd like to make a bet here. A guess that I strongly expect will eventually be proved out real.

I guess that for every billion dollars accumulated by a billionnaire person or corporation, 100 billion dollars become unavailable to the rest of the populace, through lost innovation, waste, environmental damage, and public expenditures to alleviate harms.

Part of how they make their billion is the rest of us picking up the tab for the costs of concentrating their wealth.

Does anyone know a reputable carbon offset charity? I want to purchase offsets and want to make sure it’s really effective and real.

I'mma take a nap before the nap takes me. ✌🏻🛏️📴

Why did the can crusher quit her job?
It was soda-pressing.😂

I was happy to see the 4 hostages recovered. 💙

I was astonished to see how good their physical health appeared to be.
Hopefully the mental recovery isn't too bad.

Bentley hopes you’re having a great day . He has his roast plushie and his bed.

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