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Women are going to vote and take back possession over their own bodies, this November 2024.

Elon Musk Cybertruck have failed safety regulations. The The foot pedal sticks and can cause a serious accident 😳 You think someone with all the money he has would be able to fix that so people can be safe πŸ€”

Elon Musk Cybertruck have failed safety regulations. The The foot pedal sticks and can cause a serious accident 😳 You think someone with all the money he has would be able to fix that so people can be safe πŸ€”

Some Tesla factory workers didn't know they were laid off until there badges didn't work and they were sent back home.

Some Tesla factory workers didn't know they were laid off until there badges didn't work and they were sent back home.

Elon Musk have to cut 10 percent of Tesla employees.

Elon Musk have to cut 10 percent of Tesla employees.

@sfleetucker that 800.000 can feed millions of people. I don't mine you being wealthy but do something positive to change the world from suffering and poverty.

I have been seen by a CRNP and I might have been misdiagnosed with something should I see a Doctor to get a second opinion πŸ€”

I have been seen by a CRNP and I might have been misdiagnosed with something should I see a Doctor to get a second opinion πŸ€”

I know this person was complicated but RIP OJ Simpson

I know this person was complicated but RIP OJ Simpson

I can remember when I was little and the ice cream 🍦 truck 🚚 came around only having one πŸ’΅ dollar and getting 2 ice cream products.

Cheap Trick was one of my favorite bands and I had mad crush on Robin and Tom (nice looking dudes) I still play my favorite song Dream Police 🎡

Cheap Trick was one of my favorite bands and I had mad crush on Robin and Tom (nice looking dudes) I still play my favorite song Dream Police 🎡

Today is the day, I hope you all can see some of eclipse and enjoy it with friends and family.

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