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A sinner selling Bibles, what's next for Trump.

What Trump should do is instead of selling Bibles, open it up and read what it say, he may learn something πŸ™„

What Trump should do is instead of selling Bibles, open it up and read what it say, he may learn something πŸ™„

@The_USA_Singers It's a carnal sin to use the Bible for making money. It's like selling your soul to the devil 😈

Trump is not out the woods yet they're just dotting there I's and crossing there T's so, Trump can't claim they did him wrong πŸ™„

Trump is not out the woods yet they're just dotting there I's and crossing there T's so, Trump can't claim they did him wrong πŸ™„

Trump should be calling πŸ“ž 1-800-got junk soon!

Trump should be calling πŸ“ž 1-800-got junk soon!

They celebrating 🍾 early this year

Elon Musk got mad and canceled Don Lemon new show because he was about to get Elon Musk to reveal the truth about himself (drug usage, supporter of Trump,
meeting with Putin etc..) and stop βœ‹οΈ telling all the lies on X, to boost his ego πŸ™„

Elon Musk got mad and canceled Don Lemon new show because he was about to get Elon Musk to reveal the truth about himself (drug usage, supporter of Trump,
meeting with Putin etc..) and stop βœ‹οΈ telling all the lies on X, to boost his ego πŸ™„

Now we are set for November and keep that dictator (Trump) away from the White House..

Now we are set for November and keep that dictator (Trump) away from the White House..

President Biden is the projected winner for the Democratic party πŸ₯³ πŸŽ‰ πŸ™Œ

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