I miss online sanity.
Nah, I'm just a bit of a recovering hardware snob.
So if I plan to be more active here, better talk about things I like more here.
In recent times I learned that there are a metric fuckton of awesome n64 fangames out there. Sadly a lot of them can only be played through an emulator. Still, worth setting one up to try some of these #cosogaming #cosostreaming
Would love to, but.... I dunno. Coso is sane and all, but it doesn't seem like the kind of place my best buddies would like
@peterquirk Oh yeah, there's like a whole ass episode about that too. The episode itself is unfinished, but the audio's all there.
Software being developed to prevent/inhibit #AI from scraping information found in internet. University of Chicago has created Nightshade 1.0 that works in conjunction with Glaze to "poison" image files For example, "...human eyes might see a shaded image of a cow in a green field largely unchanged, but an AI model might see a large leather purse lying in the grass." #art #copyright #intellectualproperty https://www.theregister.com/2024/01/20/nightshade_ai_images/
I say try both languages, open yourself up internationally.
Just a Vtuber who likes games and needs a sane place to stay.