It's 8:56am, I'm at work, which means in the next couple of minutes I'll be spending 3+ hours doing the monthly business accounts, tons of receipts and computer/paperwork as I do each and every month on the 19th, in between serving customers, even when it lands on a Sunday!
All donations of a 1Lt bottle of Baileys and a Full English Breakfast would be appreciated! HA!
From Salon: #MisogynistVance
In resurfaced clip, JD Vance co-signs idea that "postmenopausal females" exist to help raise kids
Vance's strange take on older women gives his "childless cat lady" comment a run for its money
(yes, he makes me want to throw up in my mouth, too)
Feckin nasty!!! WTF is it with peeps?
A pop of positive 💛
A man on a cross-country canoe trip heard faint barking and went to investigate--and found an elderly great pyrenees dog trapped under a log in mud
Read a little about the rescue here
@Patti1120 Thanks for favouriting my status!
@Saorsa @LlamaMountainStudioArts Thanks for favouriting my status!
@Anouk Thanks for favouriting my status!
The Savernake Forest Incident.
@LittleFatty Maybe they were lonely after all that time by themselves! 😄
@ATXJane Thanks for favouriting my status!
@IronButterfly Thanks for favouriting my status!
@LittleFatty It's fantastic! I like the walls too! 🙂
Adult female. UK. Owned by a cat! Happily married. Twitter: @OhCobblers2That Instagram/Threads: @stickybear5660 Loves Monster Energy.