My puppy is a mighty chewer. He goes through toys like crazy - there were toys that lasted through 2 other dogs that are now in the garbage. He has a Kong but he doesn't seem that interested in it, probably because he can't get it to come apart.
Anyone have any recommendations for durable dog toys? There's a company called bullymake but have read some bad reviews and to me their toys look a little boring.
@AskTheDevil Thanks, you certainly did!
@LittleFatty Aw, I'm glad I entertained! : )
HA HA HA! I love your humour!
@LittleFatty As soon as I saw the penis one, I knew it was a trick. If a man's penis were 3x their thumb length, I would have trouble walking.
True Facts!
1-It takes 7 seconds for food to pass from mouth to stomach.
2-A human hair can hold 3kg.
3-The length of a penis is 3 times the length of a thumb.
4-The femur is as hard as concrete.
5-A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.
6-Women blink twice as much as men.
7-We use 300 muscles just to keep our balance.
8-A woman has read this entire post.
9-A man is still looking at his thumb!
So, Catherine and William are scrapping over where Prince George should be educated at 13.
He wants him to go to his old place, Eton College, she doesn't want him going to an all-boys.
Helloooo! Wake up you two! Why not do the adult thing and ASK GEORGE where he wants to be educated? He's got another 3 years to think about it yet! It's HIS schooling, not yours after all!
@LittleFatty okay "biscuit hamper" feels like the most British phrase i have ever encountered.
Sounds delish!
Adult female. UK. Owned by a cat! Happily married. Twitter: @OhCobblers2That Instagram/Threads: @stickybear5660 Loves Monster Energy.