Can your dog donate blood?
@linuxlibrarian HA HA HA!
Bruce was fascinated by his near selfie (I pushed the button). It was window dog in the oven beside us that really pissed him off. #dogsofCoSo
@Blue_Skyesr_here AWWWWW!
@arunshah Exactly!
Side camera caught the upper left quadrant of a possum ass waddling by. Eat some ticks in our yard, blesséd little trash dragon. #urbanwildlife
Ladies! I've found this brilliant group! It's not all about motherhood etc. there's other groups to join. You can post, like, etc. I love it!
I came into work yesterday at 8 to find the wind, during the night, had demolished the chimney on the shop that's next to ours! Police and fire crews all over the place! They eventually let us in to collect our laptops and till cash etc. then we went home as we didn't know how long we'd be off. We're back in this morning. Building inspector came yesterday, not sure of outcome yet, might condemn/demolish all 3 of these buildings. Stupid landlord won't pay insurance!
I'm Totally Ignoring The Boring Things For An Entire Week! The countless hundreds and hundreds of emails I receive on both Inbox and Spam each and every day 7 days a week. A few are important but the rest are not. Every day I trawl through these dull uninteresting things, replying etc. but from today-8th of April to 15th of April I'm not doing ANY apart from several animal rights protection petitions I sign each day. I've deleted all the others without opening! I'm rebelling for a week!
@thedisasterautist HA HA HA!
Adult female. UK. Owned by a cat! Happily married. Twitter: @OhCobblers2That Instagram/Threads: @stickybear5660 Loves Monster Energy.