Mark Hearling, a retired army commender just posed a question: "As a former military guy, I’m trying to figure out how a commander can refuse an illegal order from someone who is issuing it as an official act."
It makes me wonder if SC's immunity ruling was a way to paving the way to undo the military's allegiance to the constitution? All dictatorships need the military to stay in power.
Orange Boo Boo differ from other dictators in an important way: His just a front man. He has an overlord. His overlord has other useful idiots. MSM has been keeping the age 'concern' forever. Gaslighting works best with part truth. A very fortunate outcome of the debate is by pouncing on Biden when they perceived weakness, they jumped out the shadow. It's better to deal with them now than just right before the election, like what they did to Hilary.
OMG, PA union workers just posted this video supporting Biden. Gives me goosebumps.
From J Rubin:
"I will add that the press is trying the Streisand Effect: By saying it enough, the race will be impossible for Biden. Because they know best. And have it all figured out. And will say I told you so if Biden loses."
Some expressed surprise that this could happen to a white man. Here we are.
Statistician. Animal lover. Pro-Democracy. Biden-Harris Democrat. Wabi Sabi
Patent US12072889B2 :
Intermediate data objects and uses thereof