@Render reminds me of Piratebay buying an old oil rig (if I'm not mistaking?) and providing citizenship for $1. This memory feels slightly too fuzzy to be completely accurate...
@Render it has been my argument that the actual Endgame trailer should only be a full recap. Everyone knows. Everyone saw the snap. No actual trailer necessary.
@bluesbaby I know there is (or at least was yesterday) a lot of ice flowing down the river. Flooding from an ice jam would not be a surprise... but hopefully avoided!
@DocDez Yeah, a friend of mine who has spent past Winters in Alaska said -20 was his mark.
One day Bianca is going to be hiding a god damn lead pipe in her hair.
I doubt it'll happen, but something about this match feels prime for a double switch. Belair cheating to win.
Jessamyne Duke, to me, is uber intimidating.
Well, Ricochet apparently watched Osprey/Ibushi.
I like the increased presence of deadlift moves. Mostly in vertical/snap suplexes and German suplexes, but they just add another element to the move.
Ricochet could be the most nimble guy on the roster. There are probably some 205 Live guys that can match him, but dear lord.
Ricochet flipping out of consecutive head scissors and hurricaneranas is just fantastic.
It's weird to actively like one guy more, but kind of wanting the other to win for the better story.
Movie fan. Mets fan. I like to travel. Once scored a goal against a Jamaican soccer team in Cuba.
KOMA via VT #baseball
Occasionally live toot Mets games