My cat is perched on his tower demanding treats this morning.
I never give him treats in the morning
My lazy freeloading #catsofcoso has had a really rough day.
Bat that is okay because today is #caturday
My #catsofcoso kicked me out of bed
how rude
Lyft passenger gets ride to vet for Tux (His cat) when the passenger leaves vehicle to retrieve Cat from back seat Lyft driver runs off.
Cat goes missing
But, there is a happy ending!
Americans: Toe Beans
German: Pfotenballen (Paw bales)
French: coussinets (little pillows)
Spanish: almohadillas (little pillows)
Dutch: kussentjes (little pillows)
Greek: maksilarakia (little pillows)
Portuguese: almofadinhas (little pillows)
Japanese: 肉球 (meat spheres)
Gamer Nerd, loves Futuristic Science Fiction, Curling, and craft beer.