After worrying all day, and trying to figure out the steps needed to make taking a cat on a 14 hour car ride to make this happen, I was about ready to start negotiating pro/cons/costs etc
she was joking
it was not funny. Now i am mad
Rare time when you but a bed for your pet and they use it.
It is on the chair right next to me while I am on my PC. And I can look over and be happy
Nothing makes me happier than seeing my 14 year old cat have zoomies. Because i know he is happy and healthy
your cat will never be as famous as "Brünnhilde" a 1936 digitized photo of a cat in a costume from the library of congress
Look who is enjoying his pre-heated chair, only a few seconds after the previous occupant left like a good servant
I have saved my cat from certain death by giving him some pork
as a show of thanks he has disappeared, never to speak to me again
I am torturing my cat my eating a pork chop in front of him and not letting him taste it
Quite vocal in his complaints that he has never eaten his entire life and will likely die of starvation soon
Morning cat report
5:00am wedge self betwean legs of human servant and possibly cut of cirulation to legs
5:30 Wake up human with fake hairball heaving
5:40 get water
5:45am zoom! ZOOM! ZOOOOOM!
6am: Litter is GLITTER!
7am: enough chaos, i sleep
hate mornings where the first thing i have to do is clean up cat puke
Come home from work and put my feet up in my recliner. And now got a purring cat in my lap.
Gamer Nerd, loves Futuristic Science Fiction, Curling, and craft beer.