The New York Times #NYT can go Fark itself
this is the NEWSPAPERS idea of Free speech:
"The Right to speak their minds... without fear of being shamed our shunned"
they want to be able to throw rocks at people behind their fortress walls and never face the consequences of throwing rocks at people
Next on Ghost hunters!
We search for the unexplained in the home of former porn star Stormy Daniels. Is it Ghosts? Aliens? Super natural? Her SUPER NATURALS?
Wait.. A Possum? CUT!
My Cowardly Representative is having a virtual town hall to talk about how great he is, and how great Trump is.
Also doesn't want to face his constituents and wants to screen any questions, so he only get softballs and praise
If Biden was losing over 20% of the voters in the primary there would be wall to wall stories about how unpopular he is.
THere is a massive protest vote against Trump, and the media is sleeping in it so they can have their horse race
(not much information on this, lots of noise)
Driver runs into #columbia Protestors. The Driver is a POS Radical and has ties to the Netanyahu fascist Kahn party
protestors that got injured were handcuffed to bed in Hospital.
Not mine, but had to share a friends cute 4 month Devon Rex Named H.R. Giger (after the artist) that she requested an emote of for her Twitch channel
Thanks to Team Trump flooding the courts with motions. Judge Aileen Cannon has indefinitely postponed Trump's classified records trial in Florida.
Those unreported Luxury Trips are already paying off for the FedSoc
The prospect of a trial before the 2024 election seemed to be on life-support. The plug now appears to have been pulled
Trump gets his last warning of contempt for violating gag order. Next time jail
Gamer Nerd, loves Futuristic Science Fiction, Curling, and craft beer.