Wisconsin Republicans Humbly Suggest They Should Win Every Election, Regardless of How People Vote
One party's control of the legislature is "voter-proof." Now they're pledging to "reform" the elections infrastructure.
#voting #elections #gerrymandering #bullshit
Ranked Choice voting is a strange experience. On the one hand you get to vote for the candidate you want in the number one slot, and there's a small satisfaction about putting your least wanted candidate in the last spot. The problem comes for having to vote at all for the person you'd least like to have on a ballot. Here for Mary Peltola. #voting
The truth about election fraud: It’s rare
Here’s the truth:
— By every single metric, election fraud is rare in the United States.
— Almost no elections in the past 50 years have been flipped because of documented voter fraud, with occasional exceptions at the local level
#voting #election #midterms #politics
Robert Reich
In these last days before the 2022 midterm elections, we have come to a juncture where many of the political and economic strands over the last forty years are conjoining. I wanted to share a few thoughts to provide some context for what this means for us as a nation. I hope you find it helpful.
#politics #voting #election #midterms