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Poll question! What is Elon Musk's greatest fear?

We're about to need more hamsters to keep the CoSo servers running.

Storm is the winner! Very interesting! I went with Magneto.

You're now a mutant. Whose powers do you have?

Gamers! I highly recommend Trek to Yomi. It's free on Game Pass and has an amazing art style.

Here are the questions that are on the Republican ballot in Georgia. They mention nothing about actually helping their voters in their everyday lives. It's just a bunch of leading questions meant to cause fear and anger. Pure tribalism.

I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but don't forget the good guys always win.

Be sure to setup your keyword filters ASAP if you want to avoid Dr. Strange spoilers!

Hey everyone! Please take a moment to enable two-factor authentication on your accounts. This place is getting a lot of attention, so better safe than sorry!

I was told this is where all the good people go. Hello friends!

Jeremy Hill

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.