@Pennyformythoughts awww, a spidey or a hermit crab?
@TetsuKaba Kamala against Ferengis!
@cjcrew Thank you for being such a good friend to her!
@CherNohio hope you get caught up on your sleep.
@LaurelGreen I just saw what you meant. I hope they can get some help. My cousin suffers from Schizoaffective disorder and it's hard to manage because he thinks he does not need his meds.
@ecksmc I saw a Youtube video on that. They finally got caught.
@evistre Cats are the best people! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJObGWfgQxU
@SaltyVeruca I hid one earlier today. Meanwhile, I'm still posting cute animal videos should y'all show an interest. Hint hint :)
@Synical I wish someone would get the guts to propose a ban on mailing lists, and data brokers. It's next to impossible to check out at the store without the clerk asking for your email and phone number. Then -- boom -- on that broker's list forever.
@Synical Oh wow, good luck with that! I want to move from the US to Wales one day. What brings you to Ireland?
@GeorgeVotesBlue hot take: what if the guy spotted in the tree with the long-gun was just hunting?
@holon42 gladly - I'm on Youtube more than any other social
@UmbaSaffire I learned to create "happy accidents" with his show. no mistakes if you can find a creative way around them. I go straight to paper with markers and pen
@VelvetDuchess Dang, look like their other holdings are jumping in on their "guerilla marketing" as we called it in the 90s
@holon42 "Obsolete Man" amirite? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3quruHpcuo
@holon42 @LiberalLibrarian a great episode indeed.
@VelvetDuchess Didn't McD's do that awhile back?
@Vozy oh no! Halp!
A speaker of seven languages, Jen loves sharing the joy of learning through nature, cats and song: https://www.youtube.com/@JenXOfficialEDM/