Just found out a buddy of mine is back in hospital. I have spoken about him before, an older (82), retired Navy Chief, stubborn, and mean as hell. This time it is his diabetes. His blood sugar level spiked over 550, paramedics showed up, gave him some insulin, but it did not come down. Turns out he stopped taking a bunch of his adjacent medication. Because six months ago his pharmacy slightly overcharged him for one. Now this guy isn't near broke. He is just pissed off at the world.
This guy was a Navy lifer, made Chief on the big blue water surface ships. But it did a number on his humanity. He drank too much, fought too much, and he became bitter and resentful of both the Navy and humans as a whole. He played life hard. And it took a toll. I met him through some other old veterans, and he has come up to my place with them to celebrate memorial day.
Yes he has some redeeming values. He's loyal to a fault and would die for his buddies.
He might not make it this time.
I'm telling ya'll this story, because we all know the type. The hard to be around old veteran, that seems to hate the world. And gets no love nor respect, because ha ain't gonna ask, and ain't gonna beg. Yet they have done the hard things. Been in the hard places. Made the hard choices. Not for themselves, but for their crews, and the idea of America. This guy hated politics. Hated Trump. And has earned respect. Just for doing his job. Find a way to not throw these uncomfortable veterans away.
@corlin I hope he will be OK. He reminds me of my neighbor who got drafted into the Vietnam war. He comes across as angry and selfish but is harmless and lonely. He also drinks like a fish and I worry about him. One night I baked brownies and offered them to my neighbors. He was the only one who accepted.
@corlin agreed. those men came home and people gave them crap instead of thanking them.
I try my best to sit down with these folks and listen. Sometimes they just need someone to talk to.