#cosomusic #concert #cosomutualaid
Meanwhile, at home we are raising funds to present the locally produced chamber opera about the principals of Kwanzaa. Here is a song preview. Go here to support us.
The Preview is from Youtube..
#democrats #DNC #convention
Michelle Obama is friggin' AMAZING! that is all.
#convention #democrats #DNC
Look at the secretary calling out the roll call .. with A BIG smile!
#politics #democrats #convention
This DJ Playlist is AMAZING!! He is paying attention.
#democrats #convention
OoooWHEE! I am up and jammin' With this! If y'all ain't watching.. tune in now.. they are SERIOUS JAMMIN!!
#politics #democrats #convention
Whall... look at you Democrats
Roll Calling to a DJ JAMMIN!!
What a party!
#news #democrats #convention
I spoke too soon.. the diversity is emerging now.. SO happy to see the whole convention for myself on livestram.
#politics #convention #democrats.
I must say.. I have seen SO many Democratic conventions that erupt with joy, music, purpose, enthusiasm.. they bring the celebration of a PARTY to democracy! Always great to watch.. so glad we can see this livestream!!
#news #politics
Why do we think we are the only ones who can end wars?? If the people fighting are not directly involved, why would they pay attention to whatever somebody butting into their fight?? don't work here in gang/mob fights.. don't work when it is overseas. In general.. WARS ARE STUPID! periodt. Only when one or another is bloodied enough, will it cease. When will we learn that peace is the ultimate way to live??
#politics #democrats #convention
Watching this live.. I am uncomfortable about this.
As a long time brown woman fighting for political inclusion.. I am glad to see so many gathered.
I will note that inclusion means EVERYONE!! so far, it has been only black folks.. c'mon people.. diversity means everyone!
#democrats #convention #politics
they just rolled out Jesse Jackson.
I am NOT tearful.. you are tearful!
#news #politics #democrats
Blinkin and staff ... is in Israel/Egypt NOW.. and has this to report today. Keep working on peace, please. https://youtu.be/a4nL4-ArITY
#breaking news #politics #protest
I was there.. I was of the millions who loudly protested the KILLING of our drafted americans in an unjust war in VietNam.
Here is the BIG difference.. we were directly involved in that war. These were OUR families dying. Today..You are protesting for Palestine.. agreed. But voting against Democrats, the ONLY party even there TODAY trying to untangle a peace deal in war.. and allowing a dumb lying racist party to be untouched.. REALLY??? Think, people.
#news #breakingnews #politics #protest
OK, people..Blinking is in Israel/Egypt NOW trying to negotiate a cease fire to start peace talks.
At least Dems are TRYING to bring peace.
*rump is doing WHAT, exactly?? Using "palestinian" as the new N-word, pledging a new MUSLIM BAN, and DEPORTATION of brown folks.
So my question to you is..
What do the protests think will happen if they shut down the convention????
Retired jazz musician. Active crafter of hats and tops. Blue Voter, check. Web link reader, check. Grandma, check.