Canadians still scratching our heads and at the same time we are worried that this type of political influence is spreading north
Sad to hear about your pain 🙁
Skip the machine and go with an intravenous drip with meds and coffee mix 😆😆
My grandchildren in China, I can't see them cause of Covid. Not in China with a population of 1.4billion but cause of the 37million in Canada who have a higher infection rate. Ppl say China of bearing down on their population but they support them better. Family, there have been in a localized lockdown 3 times and have been we'll support. Here in Canada it is a free for all now and infection rates are climbing to the levels of over 2 years ago.
I want to see them again, stop the selfishness 🌹
Welcome newbie like myself lol
For myself it was Bowie & Niel Perth
Performing here VIP over $1200 nones bleed $130 😆
@Susandoyle @kel
How do you follow Will Smith in the snow? You follow the fresh prints.
Grew up in southern Quebec 5 min from New York or Vermont in the times when the border was just a suggestion
A geriatric elephant in a fur coat
@lisamflower # 4 done plus flu jab and yes Covid is climbing back up there and yet the general public is so blazed about it
At this point the world should be invaded by space aliens to unite the planet, cause a planet-wide pandemic didn't do it
Worked since I was 12 now semi-retired