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Missed a 2/6 by a whisker...

Wordle 1,052 3/6


The sun is (and will be) struggling to be seen in Montana and Wyoming as strong wind, rain, snow, and colder air are coming this week! I'll have your 7-day weather forecast on MTN at 5:30 and 10!

Dancing all around the answer πŸ˜„

Wordle 1,051 4/6


Shylo got into my books on Caturday Saturday... reading a nutrition book since she needs to slim down and cracking open my Spanish dictionary the day before Cinco de Mayo! Β‘Es una buena gata!

Wordle 1,050 4/6


Wordle 1,048 3/6


How tired am I after 24+ hrs of continuous plumbing noises?

It didn't occur to me to keep the 4th letter in place on guess 2, then I found it WAY too funny that my 3rd guess was correct! πŸ˜΄πŸ’€πŸ˜„

Wordle 1,047 3/6


Wordle 1,046 4/6


Successful and drama-free vet check-up for Shylo today. She was a good girl. I hope to slim her down a bit, and I'll monitor a lump on her side. My cat chauffeur duty is complete. Driving Miss Shylo will be coming to a theater near you this summer.

Wordle 1,045 5/6


I'm taking Shylo for a check-up on Monday. Fasting for 4 to 6 hours? I better eat a big breakfast by 8AM, then. I'm going to get pretty hungry by the afternoon.

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Jason Stiff

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.