@PirateWench Nah, this one's secretly a feel-good story. They just did what we all want and noped out.
@Razdawg22 Sounds completely normal.
Things are pretty tough; it's natural to reach for catharsis.
Do whatever eases the nerves.
@awnaves Mods, I am in this picture and I don't like it.
Resolved: no committee on which Jim Jordan--who flouted a congressional subpoena--sits, can issue a subpoena that anybody should have to pay the slightest attention to.
@mcfate What kind of monster would do that!?
CNET has been quietly publishing articles written by AI for months.
@VenomousHeroine "Safe".
@VenomousHeroine It is known.
@QueenOfEverything Yes. Yes, I am. Thanks for noticing.
@NoraCharles666 To be fair, "May you get what Kevin McCarthy deserves" sounds like a curse to me...
@elmaxx We haven't been OK since W got in.
@ColoradoAudrey Funny, but untrue.
I'm quite happy to hear that the party of treason is backstabbing itself.
If only the Dems could pick off one or two less-crazy Republicans, they really COULD put Jeffries in as Speaker.
@PrivacyL0st Even if they tried, the Rs wouldn't up for it.
Likeliest is that some GOP backbencher who's only really known in his own district in will get suggested and elected all in one go. Considering the current makeup of the GOP, he'll be the standard sort of Q-lite A$$ we''ve been griping about since '16.
Leftie feminist BLM-loving commie-pinko poly pagan-atheist whackjob.
All opinions come from sarcasm.