#ASL I'm the person you want to cook for a party. I'll go early, set things up and put things away later.
I'm NOT the person you want at the party unless it's a bunch of HoH or deaf people. Noisy environments are killers for the hard of hearing.
I got up and walked away while they were banging boxes of jingle bells as a game. What game? Got me.
The people who know I don't hear well can't remember. Even the person who teaches ASL.
People wonder why I almost never go to parties.
@walterbays #ASL I took a friend to a conference where all communication was in ASL with interpreters for the hearing. He was stunned. He'd never felt so excluded. Five years later he was an expert in ASL.
And I don't read lips. It's too hard.
From my perspective, all you hearing folks should learn ASL as a second language.
By age 75, 75% of Americans have significant hearing loss. They wish they knew ASL and wish others knew it.