I've lain awake lots of nights wondering about this myself.
It unfortunately boils down to "How do we deprogram at least a third of the population?"
There's an awful lot of people who are so fact-resistant that they're taking all of us down with them at this point. ☹️
Perhaps we can learn from what happened to Germany, take us back to 2026 and be transparent about what happened?
The German people post-WWII were *ashamed.* They went to great lengths to make sure everyone understood the history of what had been done in the name of "nationalism."
The people here and now are not ashamed in the least and they're working very hard to suppress real history. Along with everything else they're doing.
@JGNWYRK @EelGM @Museek
For sure. "Cui prodest?" Useful Latin phrase, that.
"Who benefits?"