HiRISE 3D: The Lonely Streak
While it might look like fluid, it’s just dark material that was exposed likely by a falling boulder. It’s not too lonely as there are other streaks here, but it is the largest of them.
HiPOD 22 Jul 22: Possible Smectites in Noctis Labyrinthus
Data from the CRISM instrument on MRO shows smectites on the floor of this trough in Noctis Labyrinthus. Our image at this location can help to identify the units that correspond to these mineralogies. Smectite is a type of clay mineral that undergoes reversible expansion on absorbing water.
#Mars #science #NASA
HiRISE 10K: Dust Devils of Mars
One of our favorite images from 2009 gets the 10K treatment with this cutout showing gorgeous swirls on sand dunes created by dust devils that expose the darker subsurface.(See link for full cutout and additional info.)
HiClip: Piles of Sand with Different Sizes and Colors (narrated by Tre Gibbs)
HiRISE 3D: Maja Valles
Maja Valles are a large system of ancient outflow channels that may have been formed through water erosion, although parts of the system have been buried by thin volcanic debris.
#Mars #science
HiPOD 21 Jul 2022: Piles of Sand with Different Sizes and Colors
This image shows a variety of wind-related features near the center of Gamboa Crater. Larger sand dunes form sinuous crests and individual domes.
HiClip: Marvelous Martian Mega-Ripples (narrated by Tre Gibbs)
HiPOD 20 Jul 2022: Marvelous Martian Mega-Ripples
Mega-ripples are distinct wind-driven formations that occur on the surface of Earth and Mars, often with sizes between that of smaller ripples and larger dunes. Thanks to repeat coverage by HiRISE, we can tell that some mega-ripple fields are active and migrating alongside dunes and ripples.
HiClip mini 4K Extra: The One in (False) Color
This HiClip mini accompanies “The One in Black and White”, only here we using the central enhanced color (red-green-blue) swath. The swath is just under 1 km across and allows us to view the landscape in greater detail than we can in black and white.
HiClip mini 4K: The One in Black and White
Accompanies our 4K image post. This is a non-narrated clip with ambient sound.
HiRISE 4K: Layered Bedrock
This observation targets a highly textured bedrock surface in northeastern Tyrrhena Terra. (See link for full cutout and additional information.)
HiRISE 3D: In Chryse Chaos
Our science goal is to document stratigraphic relationships between these large “chaos” blocks and adjacent geologic units. (In Greek, “Chryse” means “golden.”)
#Mars #science
HiPOD 19 Jul 2022: Ridges in Cydonia Mensae
A ridge stands prominent in this scene, left behind as the surroundings were eroded, perhaps marking inverted erosion of an ancient fluvial channel. The ridge is made of material more resistant to erosion and, considering the craters on its flanks, was formed long ago.
HiRISE 3D: Lovely Layering in Arabia Terra
How do we love thee? Let us count the layers…
HiPOD 18 Jul 2022: What Happened When?
Studying what happened when tells geologists about the history of Mars. A crater that punched through the surface of Mars reveals multiple layers formed previously below the surface. Half of the crater was then destroyed by the opening of the channel.
HiPOD 15 Jul 2022: Layers in a Valles Marineris Wall
Our goal with this observation is to examine the volcanic (or sedimentary) layers outcropping from a canyon wall in Valles Marineris. This location was also imaged by the Mars Orbiter Camera but we can look for boulders and detailed structures unresolved by that instrument. Enhanced color can help to observe differences within the layers, while stereo can aid to measure the dip of those layers.
HiRISE 8K: Unusual
This scene is located outside the eastern side of an impact crater and the shape of the terrain is definitely very unusual. In stark contrast, further south of here, the terrain transitions to being fairly smooth. (See link for full cutout and additional info.)
#Mars #science
HiRISE 3D: Exposure of a Layered Sequence in Terby Crater
The western face of this bench has one of the best exposures of layered deposits in Terby Crater. This location has many angular unconformities that are not exposed in the same sequence further south.
HiPOD 14 Jul 2022: Channel Crossing
This observation targets a channel crossing a heavily eroded wrinkle ridge. On the south side of the wrinkle ridge, a dark-toned channel is inset within a light-toned material. The light-toned material may be related to the channel, possibly altered minerals related to the presence of groundwater in the past.
#Mars #science #NASA
HiRISE is a high resolution camera onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (NASA). We take images of the surface of Mars. Based out of UArizona in Tucson.