Perseverance Watches Wild Winds on Mars –
A celestial loner might be the first known rogue black hole
HiRISE 3D: A Rayed Impact Crater in Meridiani Planum
Just how young is this crater? In addition, this image is a good study of how secondary craters erode over different terrain types.
HiPOD 15 Jun 2022: A Landslide in the Northern Mid-Latitudes
The objective of this observation is to examine a landslide in a valley along a mesa. The material seems to be rough in places that HiRISE may be able to resolve even though this portion of the area is in shadow. This image may give us clues to the makeup of these mesas that are common in this location.
#Mars #science #NASA
HiRISE 3D: A Rayed Impact Crater in Meridiani Planum
Just how young is this crater? In addition, this image is a good study of how secondary craters erode over different terrain types.
HiPOD 14 Jun 2022: Cutting Ejecta
This image is interesting because it likely records reactivation of a fluvial system that was blocked by ejecta from the fresh-appearing crater to the west of this location. At full resolution, we can examine the stratigraphy of the fluvial features and look for any breaches.
#Mars #science #NASA
HiRISE 3D: Stratigraphy of a Kaporo Crater Mound
The lower portion of the central mound of Kaporo Crater contains an additional portion of the stratigraphic record exhibiting cyclic characteristics.
HiPOD 13 Jun 2022: Layered Deposits within a Depression in Osuga Valles
In a previous image, we detected a very small portion of an outcrop of layered deposits that seems to extend to this requested area. Studying the larger area of the outcrop that appears to record inflows from Osuga Valles will help us to better constrain the history of the system and the formation of its enigmatic terminal depressions.
#Mars #science #NASA
Forgot to post this yesterday!
HiRISE 10K: Debris Flows
The purpose of this observation is to get more coverage of the debris flows on the walls of Eos Chasma, which is in the southern part of the Valles Marineris canyon system. (See link for full cutout.)
HiRISE 3D: Be My Serpentine
There are units here bearing a group of minerals called serpentine. Serpentine rock usually has an olive green color and scaly appearance.
HiPOD 10 Jun 2022: Layers in a Depression
The objective of this observation is to examine layers exposed in and around an irregular depression located to the south of Antoniadi Crater. There are also narrow ridges visible in a Context Camera image that we can examine in greater detail.
#Mars #science #NASA
HiRISE 3D: The Mt. Athos of Mars?
This layered rock is in a hollow on a mesa top. This was used in a 2010 landing site workshop for the Mars Science Laboratory, underscoring how vital HiRISE 3D images can be for science teams for future exploration.
HiPOD 9 Jun 2022: Sinuous Aeolis Serpens and a Crater Rim
Long, amazing, Aeolis Serpens “fluvial ridge” intersects a crater rim in this observation. Was the crater buried and a stream flowed over it without any interaction (because it was buried), or does the crater post-date the stream and the erosion that formed the ridge? Either way, we have a chance to look at the interior structure of the ridge.
#Mars #science #NASA
HiRISE 8K: Fretted Terrain-Like Aprons near Reull Vallis
Reull Vallis is a valley that may have been carved by water. It runs westward into Hellas Planitia and its name is the Gaelic word for “planet”. (See link for full cutout and additional info.)
#Mars #science
HiRISE 3D: Maja Valles
The Maja Valles are a large system of ancient outflow channels, many of which were found by the Viking Orbiters.
Both water floods and lava flows have been identified.
#Mars #science
HiPOD 8 Jun 2022: A Mare-Type Ridge Intersected by a Crater
Our objective is to understand nature of the bedrock that has been deformed, here, by the mare-type ridge (a.k.a. wrinkle ridge). In context, it seems possible that the bedrock is sedimentary, but pinning this down is challenging because of the wind-blown dust cover.
HiRISE 4K: A Well-Preserved Gullied Impact Crater
This observation shows us pristine gullies, some with bright deposits, and perhaps very recent. (See link for full cutout and additional info.)
#Mars #NASA
HiRISE 3D: Layered Deposits
This image partially fills in a coverage gap between HiRISE images that show light-toned layered deposits and a related surface feature dubbed “shark teeth.” The two deposits might be related, and this observation will help test that idea.
HiPOD 7 Jun 2022: Channel Heads in Northern Arsia Chasmata
A shallow, broad channel connects two collapse features at the top of the Arsia Chasmata. Unlike nearby channels and sinuous collapse features, this channel does not have sharp, well-defined sides.
HiRISE 3D: Blocky Deposit Contact in the Candor Region
Not just today’s HiPOD, but a 3D post as well! This image shows contact between a blocky deposit and underlying material in Candor Chasma. We also want to determine the mineralogy of the blocks and underlying unit.
HiRISE is a high resolution camera onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (NASA). We take images of the surface of Mars. Based out of UArizona in Tucson.