
What the fuck is Muskrat talking about?
@th3j35t3r do you understand Dumbass? Maybe we can get a translator?

Sounds like he's suggesting that the US should've committed genocide to prevent Hitler from...*checks notes* committing genocide?


If it were anyone else, I'd think he was saying "and that's why we're better".
But that he frames it as a weakness?

Well, he's definitely a totalitarian.


@Heucuva8 It seems like he's saying the US made a mistake and demonstrated weakness by NOT doing what "Hitler and Stalin would certainly have done". @th3j35t3r

@Heucuva8 @th3j35t3r

Sounds like something a stupid, shallow, privileged white asshole from apartheid South Africa would say.

@Heucuva8 @th3j35t3r He's blowing his western civ horn and forgetting he's a SA douchebag not an American. He also doesn't know history as most of your big western civ wn's blowhards don't. Germany, Japan, Britain, and US were working on nuclear bomb. Japan was committing war crimes testing bio crap for us they were using on China. US got to bomb first because we had Jewish scientists. Also we rebuilt because WWI not rebuilding helped give us Hitler.

@Heucuva8 @th3j35t3r We lost a lot of men fighting Japan while they were in Holy War mode and would have lost more if we sent ground troops in. I wouldn't really credit US or Western Civ on not going further. I think Japan surrendering and our leadership/generals at time not wanting to kill everyone is why we didn't. Clearly if it had been someone like Musk or Trump they might have.

@Heucuva8 @th3j35t3r Elmo is just a racist moron disguised as a wiley super geeeenius. Emerald mine nepo baby pos.


perhaps he's just noticing that evolution is moving civilizations toward greater compassion and understanding for all of our fellow travellers on this beautiful planet?

and, given his public attitude, perhaps he's disparaging this attempt of evolution to render Homo sapiens more likely to survive.

typical billionaire blindness.

@Heucuva8 @th3j35t3r it’s proof that the apartheid South African public school education was bullshit and their students All Morons

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