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@CullenParker welcome to the dark side. We have cookies. (They may be urinal cookies but we have them.)

Do you like Supernatural, The Magicians, or Charmed? You'll love the Sisters of The Maleficarum Society.

They protect the world from the things that lurk in the night. Join them:

Book One:

Book Two:

Happy monday.
Share with me your favorite movie
Mine is airplane. Never fails to make me laugh.
Drop yours.

Why don't electrons have friends? They are always negative.

I once thought having a cyber stallker would at least have a tiny bit of intrigue to it but now that i have one it is very disappointing.

What is the first concert you attended? Mine was hall and oats with til tuesday opening

What is the first concert you attended? Mine was hall and oats with til tuesday opening

Wondering if @AlexaSommers 'radio silence means the boat trip was sponsored by the bunnies.

Underneath the desk
fingers slide beneath your skirt
Panties soaked and pulled aside
You feel his tongue slide inside

In the dark of the night
shadows dance
with flickers of light
demons scowl
harpies howl
while the weaker hearts take flight

What was the first videogame you remember playing?
Mine was x and o football att be arcade. I still remember getting the palm of my hand stuck in the trackball gap. My first home game was pong

What was the first videogame you remember playing?
Mine was x and o football att be arcade. I still remember getting the palm of my hand stuck in the trackball gap. My first home game was pong

Naughty parody gif (south park) pg Show more

The two secrets to awesome homemade fried rice are 1) chill your rice before mixing it in with your veggies and protein and 2) sesame oil

Tell me a lie you think people would believe about you.

Show me your inner geek. Post 4 images or list 4 shows only a fan would watch every episode
Babylon 5
Dark matter
Dr. Who
Good omens

Show me your inner geek. Post 4 images or list 4 shows only a fan would watch every episode
Babylon 5
Dark matter
Dr. Who
Good omens

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Hardison Parker

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.