@AlexaSommers whew. I thought the bunnies won.
What is the first concert you attended? Mine was hall and oats with til tuesday opening
@zenmudprod that must have been something.
@Telebutch when they were young!
@LisaSnapped fitting. Bet when you see them again it will feel like the first time.
@SteveSaidby sounds like a great adventure 😀
@Lou_Rattacasa oh stop. In he name of love
Lol. How was the show?
@SeanRFrazier bon jovi qlways put on a good show.. i grew up in jersey so got to see him in concert several times
What is the first concert you attended? Mine was hall and oats with til tuesday opening
Wondering if @AlexaSommers 'radio silence means the boat trip was sponsored by the bunnies.
@Leftthenest call it what it is. A criminal organization engaged in racketerring, self profit and insurrection who are so intent on lining their own pockets with money that they srll out their own constituents.
@AlexaSommers about what?
Underneath the desk
fingers slide beneath your skirt
Panties soaked and pulled aside
You feel his tongue slide inside
@ToniWalker lol i was a horrible pole position driver.
@homebird mystery of the dark manor?
@bit lol. I have so many arcade injuries!
Erotica Author - Author of the award nominated Cara Awakened and Bound For Her Art plus many more.