@TheNewsOwl if that happens I want Southern regional accreditor to start asking some tough questions.
I have a hard stance on #guns. Feel free to throw this at #2AProponents.
@JusDucky just say no.
@1Firewire oof, that's gonna hurt.
Why isn't a recusal being DEMANDED.
@BrentSullivan the walls are closing in.
@FrankCannon lol
Trump's accountant did jailtime for getting similar "service" done.
see ProPublica>Courts for the ugly.
Clarence Thomasβ ethics mess gets even worse (yes, again)
Just when it seemed Justice Clarence Thomas' ethics mess couldn't get much worse, new reporting has emerged about Harlan Crow's generosity. https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/clarence-thomas-ethics-mess-gets-even-worse-yes-rcna82824 via @msnbc
@ChristopherNoyesRoberts Sure sounds like a failed "frag" attempt.
Thomas, as Anita Hill told us, never had the character to be a SC Justice. The "high-tech lynching" was of her. American political conservatism, like all virtue-fronting, power-acreting cultures has always acted as an aristocracy without a crowned head. The royal house's name is Hypocrisy.
ProPublica: Clarence Thomas Raised Him. Harlan Crow Paid His Tuition.
Jack of many trades, master of none from the East Coast of North America.
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