
I came here after seeing a post; can't remember who right now. Visiting & 💯thinking of 'living' here. 🤔💡You've all welcomed me here, an immigrant in your land. You've welcomed me, fed me, warmed me, given me a place to rest. Why can't 🇺🇸 do the same for our immigrants? Weren't all our ancestors immigrants? How different our lives may have been! Be kind; if you come across an immigrant, know that they're desperate to find love from a Nation who sees them not as a threat, but as a kindred human

@Gramdma2011 That's just the kind of place CoSo is. Glad you're enjoying it! I've been here almost exclusively since arriving last year.

@Mauve_matelot ❤️it! I'm Native American, Portuguese, & Black with both Italian and Jewish God-Parents😂

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