Just wrapped up watching Wednesday on Netflix, just a terrific roller coaster ride of a show. Can't wait for a second season.
#Cosomovies A creepy little gem from Universal Studios and the great Carl Laemmle. The Cat and the Canary (1927). Directed by Paul Leni.
#comics Swell mashup of an original Curt Swan/Stan Kaye cover with some early Jack Kirby FF art pasted in
@BusyOntGuy #beerme Bolero Snort Brewery OVB Orange Cream Pop IPA, only 6.5%ABV but a very tasty dessert beer.
#filters Everything I've decided to filter so far. I'm sure many more items will be added, esp as sports seasons come and go.
Progressive dem, fan of comics, Trek and science fiction, history buff, Deadhead, rock, blues, bluegrass. Give me a shout out if any of that sounds good.